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Mano Blog

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2015-07-16 Page view of English page

_ [PC][インターネット] Page view of English page

  I had switched on the location related language mode of this blog site. Therefore the posted article will be written in English when I post the article from the outside of Japan.

  Today, I found that the number of page view of the article written in English is lower than the article in Japanese. One of the reasons of low page view is the poor English expression. However, I guess, main visitor to this blog is Japanese and they skip to read the article body if the title was in English. This blog is posted to my Facebook page automatically, and some of my Facebook friend post their comment in Japanese even if it was written in English.

  This is a very small result of observation, but I have to recognize that there is a big wall of language on the Internet.

  Someone says "Globalization is required". Yes it is true.

  And Someone says "The globalization is not same as English", Yes it is true too.

  Even if this is slight observation, I believe that I may find some changes in visitor if I continue to post some English article more for the globalization of my self.

  I almost finished my conference week by CAC tonight except the closing plenary and EC that will be held tomorrow. This week TGai was so productive and we approved to go to the final recirculation of WG letter of ballot. And I am expecting to get the conditionally approval to forwarding to the sponsor ballot tomorrow.

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