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2016-01-19 The grant

_ [仕事][インターネット] The grant

  Started hectic business day by teleconference with EU-Japan research team in the early morning here in Atlanta. One of the key topics on the agenda of this teleconference was my responsibility, but it was not easy to explain everything in the limited time. I may need time more than I expected when I joined this project.

  Always it's not easy to get public grant, but it is more challenging to achieve the accomplishment which is expected at the time of the initial proposal. Even if it is difficult, the sponsor (usually an officer of the public sector) does not give a flexible response.

  While attending IEEE802 interim meeting, I have been spending much time and my brain for another grant in this few days. This new project is a little different from the pure research grant for a scheme called the matching fund. Even if the R&D plan was granted, without an agreement with the business partner, I cannot push forward this project.

  Unfortunately I did not have the time to make the agreement due to the unexpected outside factor. However, I got an agreement with the partner tonight and signed up the contract that is required by the grant.

  I appreciate the support of the excellent legal team they brought me this achievement. And also I have to appreciate the ICT facility which provides the capability of remote working over different time zone.

  I opened the fresh brewed Japanese Sake for this first step tonight.

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