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2015-08-14 Respect the original designer

_ [仕事] Respect the original designer

  I visited the office of the design team who had designed my new product. Purpose of this visit is to inform them of a change of design due to the technical reasons. This particular change may be performed by mechanical engineer at our side, but I believe that it is important to share the cause of change with the original designer.

  The result of the meeting with the original designer, she willingly consented to our changes. And she may change the design quickly by herself. This is very good for both.

  Today a problem of symbol design of Tokyo Olympic game has been highlighted in Japan. Such an unpleasant case does not happen if designers are always conscious of respect for the other designers each other.

  Regardless of software, hardware mechanical design and industrial design the creation is not at all an easy thing. A designer plagiarizing the design of another person is certainly a person without the skill. I think that such a designer never loves one's work.

  i don't know the symbol design of Tokyo Olympic game will be changed or not, but I cannot respect the designer at all.

  I shared and enjoyed the dinner with active researchers of IEEE802 at Japanese restaurant tonight.

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