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2011-01-21 Mistakes of standardization

_ [仕事] Mistakes of standardization





1. "Kitchen sink" - anybody with an idea gets it in the standard

2. "Duplication" - If we have 3 ways to do X, why should that matter, let the market decide.

3. "Pistols at dawn" - We'll slug it out between two alternative proposals, neither with 75% support until somebody gives way.

All of these are bad. "Kitchen sink" hopelessly confuses the market. The standard has no focus, and it's full of irrelevant stuff that nobody will make, but which demands our attention in .11.

"Duplication" is bad. We had 5 different ways to do Beamforming in .11n, so the market decided it couldn't decide, and none of them made it into the big time.

"Pistols at dawn" is bad because if groups put a lot of emotional, technical (and IP) investment in getting their technology selection at the expense of some other proposal, the two will fight it out for a long time, rather than seeking early consensus.

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